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Thank you for visiting the City of Huntington Beach website and reviewing our privacy and security notice. Our privacy policy is very simple. We do not collect personal information about you unless you choose to provide it to us. We automatically collect statistical information as described below but only to assist us in improving this site. We do NOT: Share any personal information gathered on this website with other agencies or persons, unless required by law. Create personal profiles or provide personal information to private organizations. Collect and/or sell information for commercial marketing. In addition to this notice, the city's complete Website Policies and Procedures are available for viewing and/or downloading. Automatically Collected Information If you browse or download data, some information will be collected automatically. This information will not identify you personally. It is used only to improve this site by telling us the number of visitors and the types of browser and operating system our visitors are using. The following information is collected each time someone visits our site: Internet domain name (examples: or from which you access our site. Note, this is not your Internet address. Internet protocol address from which you connected to our site. The IP address is a number assigned to your computer or provided by your Internet service provider whenever you browse the Internet. We use this address to send data you request back to you. Type of browser you use to visit our site. Type of operating system you use. Date and time you visit our site. Specific pages you visit at our site. If you linked to our site from another website, the address of that site. Personal Information: In some cases you may choose to provide us personal information. You may do this by filling out a form or sending e-mail. This information consists of things such as name, address or phone number. The information you provide will be used only for the purpose for which it is intended, however, once submitted to this website, it becomes a public record subject to public record keeping regulations, including disclosure. In most cases the information you give us will be used only to help us in providing you information that you request. Site Security: The City of Huntington Beach has taken steps to safeguard the information on this site, including monitoring, auditing and encryption. To mitigate risk, security measures are taken as a part of the implementation of all City of Huntington Beach software and hardware infrastructure. The City of Huntington Beach, however, cannot warrant as fail-proof the security of information collected or provided via this website. Unauthorized attempts to change information on this site or upload information are strictly prohibited. Links to Other Sites: The City of Huntington Beach website contains links to other sites. Once you link to another site, the city's privacy and security notice no longer applies, and you become subject to the privacy and security policies of that site. City E-Mail Alerts and List Serve Privacy Statement: By agreeing to use the E-Mail Alerts program or to request e-mails from the Parks & Community Services Department, you are granting the City of Huntington Beach permission to send you periodic e-mails only about the topics for which you have subscribed. Privacy: The City of Huntington Beach is concerned about its subscribers’ privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information. That is why we collect only the data necessary to provide the information you request: e-mail address and, when needed to customize the information sent to you, your general neighborhood location. This information is used only to ensure that messages you receive are valuable and relevant. The City of Huntington Beach does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. The city may provide lists of its subscribers to project partner government agencies, and then only to provide customized information to residents or business owners who may be served by receipt of that information. PLEASE NOTE: The city may be required to provide e-mail lists to third parties if the information is requested under California Public Records Act. The City of Huntington Beach offers the permanent option to unsubscribe from any and all of the e-mail information services it offers. You may at any time choose to modify your contact information or remove your address entirely from the system. For your convenience, every e-mail sent through these systems will also allow you to unsubscribe from the e-mail list you have chosen. If you change your e-mail address, simply resubscribe to the lists of your choice, using your new address. We welcome any feedback, concerns or questions from our subscribers. Please feel free to contact the online editor if you have questions or suggestions regarding subscriber-based Service Alert Systems. Disclaimer : The City of Huntington Beach does not warranty the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the information provided by this service and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by the reliance on such. Any person or entity that relies on information obtained from this service does so at his or her own risk.
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